Who Am I?

Honesty and transparency are two values I would like to uphold in all of the information I put out in this blog. Most of us use the internet to solve our problems and to find answers to questions that we feel we can’t get on our own. The internet is an extremely valuable source. With that being said, it’s so easy to find yourself going in circles trying to find real life advice and truth due to all of the sources out there, many coming from monetary influence. That is why I want this blog to be one in which my viewers can trust is a direct correspondence with my journey in becoming interested in OT, my OT application process, my current experiences in OT school, and lastly any topic in which curiosity arises within the realm of OT. I remember, not too long ago, I had a million and one questions about OT– how to even start, what to add to my application to become more competitive, how to interview, what sources I could trust, how to pay for grad school, the list is endless. My hope is that this blog can serve as a helpful tool to all people, regardless of age, who are interested in OT. For any questions at all, never hesitate to ask and I’ll do my best to answer! 😊.

This blog will also serve as a personal journal of mine– I know what you’re thinking, “where have I heard that before 🙄.” But in all actuality, I formed this website for ✌🏼 reasons. First, I love to write and feel as if I’m decent at it. Writing is a beautiful way of expressing oneself. I have always been extremely sensitive to my experiences and writing has been an outlet in which some of my experiences have modeled as a form of guidance to those in similar situations. Secondly, the internet is HUGE. Like I said before, my journey into getting accepted into my MOT (Masters in OT) program was a long process and required a lot of time and energy. A lot of my questions were answered with google, google, and more google, but the information was inconveniently scattered and some of it false. I am completely aware that I won’t have ALL of the answers to the questions that arise in the community. However, my goal is to bring both my passions for writing and researching into one consolidated informative website in which people can refer to while on their journey in pursuing OT.

Screen Shot 2017-07-20 at 1.42.29 PMSo now that I’ve introduced my purpose of this blog, I guess I’ll talk a little about me. I’m just ya average, “claiming to have no time, yet creates blog,” 23 year old girl 😉. 24 in a few days 💁🏻🎉. My dad is white and my mom is Japanese, which makes me a mud-blood. Originally, I’m from Enterprise, AL and moved to 👉🏼 Montgomery, Al now living in 👉🏼 Birmingham, AL. I guess Alabama  just can’t get rid of me. No, but seriously, I’ve tried to leave and I’m always called back to this magnificent state 😐. I started playing soccer when I was 5 years old at the recreational level, then club, high school, olympic, division-one collegiate, and semi-pro level (in that order). I was blessed to have accepted a full-ride scholarship to play soccer at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) for 4 years. Occupational Therapy was most definitely not something I started pursuing my freshman year of college but I knew I wanted to have a career in healthcare so I majored in kinesiology and minored in psychology. I finished my B.S. degree in the Spring of 2016. I applied to ✌🏼 occupational therapy programs in the Fall of 2016 and got interviews to both. These programs were UAB (Alabama) and the University of St. Augustine San Marcos (California). Due to financial reasons, I decided to turn down the interview to the University of St. Augustine. This was BEFORE my interview with UAB so essentially all of my 🥚’s were in one basket 😳. After interviewing with UAB, I received the ✨GLORIOUS✨ phone call telling me I was selected to have as seat in their MOT program. And that leads me to my next and final section of my “about me.”

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Always “hearing” of who God was growing up, I never knew what being in a relationship with Him actually felt like. I went all in with my faith in Jesus Christ on November 6th 2016 ✝️. Since then, I’ve made the vow to make Him first in all that I do and ask Him to guide me, daily. I will bring positivity, hope, and love in every single one of my posts. People of all walks are not just welcomed but invited to my page and should be assured that I will never force my faith on any of my viewers. However, I do want my viewers to know that He is my source and what gives me the strength to have gotten this far. He gave me the reassurance when I had doubt in pursuing this career path. He gave me hope when I didn’t feel “good enough” to be admitted into a program. And He has also given me the confidence, knowledge, and motivation to pursue this career with all of my heart. He has given me more than enough proof that this is the path for me and I will talk more about that later in posts to come. Nonetheless, I pray that all of my viewers receive the same empowerment during their own journeys.

P.S.  : I will be starting my Master in OT program at UAB on August 28th of this year 🤘🏼. It’s a 2.5 year program and I will be blogging a l(ot).

Much love!!✌🏼

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Personal: search username 👉🏼 meg.ncollins  or  http://instagram.com/meg.ncollins

ANDDDD for OT-related posts only: search username 👉🏼 proudtobeot  or http://instagram.com/proudtobeot

(((((FYI my proudtobeot IG currently has no posts yet but I just created it so coming soon 🤠 ))))

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